November Newsletter

November, 2019

Dear parents and Guardians,

For the month of November, students will start reading short books in French, with the theme being Fall and Family.

In grade 3, students continue with the “word of the day” duotang in which they focus on one french word a day.

Students will continue writing in their journals in the present tense focusing on what they see, what they like, and
what they have ( je vois, j'aime, j'ai). They will also be introduced to French centres this month!

In grade 5/6, students have been reading books online with partners on Reading A-Z in addition to silent reading for
the first 10-15 minutes of the block. This month's grammar focus is the present tense using classroom objects as the
theme and writing in their journals. Students are now familiar with Duolingo, and practice reading French books, vocabulary,
and putting together French sentences. 

In Social Studies, Grade 3 students continue exploring Early Settlers and First Nations; comparing
Canada then and now. They continue learning about clothing, food, schooling, and the role of men
and women in the 1700’s compared to today. 

In grade 5/6 Social studies, students are diving into inquiry-based learning by answering the big question

"How could I change the world". They will be identifying a long-term or short-term problem in the
community, country, or the world, and find a way to help by creating a product or providing a service.

Important dates:
Nov. 15th - PD day 
Nov. 18th to 22nd - Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week


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