September Newsletter

Welcome to our Class blog! Bienvenue!

Check back regularly to find important dates and to be updated on the learning and fun happening in class!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

My name is Roxan Ghossein, and I will be your child’s French teacher. I am very excited to be joining the St. Michael community this year! I am looking forward to supporting students as they grow in their learning journey and set personal goals.

In Grade 5/6,I will be teaching French, Social Studies, as well as Dance and Drama Block 2. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students have short French (45 minutes)

In Grade 3, I will be teaching French and Social Studies Block 3. The children have 75 minutes of French a day. 

Our Board’s Spiritual Theme this year is “Love Kindness and Mercy” Micah 6:8. As a class and
school community, we will be exploring the Gospel Values to make connections with our everyday lives.

Technology will be used regularly in the classroom to stimulate Deep Learning. I will be posting the websites used in class in the next newsletters if students choose to practice French at home. 


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