March Newsletter
Happy March!
Dear Parents,
In French, Grade 3 students will be learning about Spring vocabulary. They are reading and writing simple sentences, as well as exploring simple texts.
Here is a list of French vocabulary that the children are learning:
un cerf-volant/ kite une fleur / flower
un parapluie / umbrella une coccinelle / ladybug
un oiseau / bird un nuage /cloud
un papillon / butterfly un arc-en-ciel/ rainbow
une abeille / bee un jardin / garden
les tulipes / tulips un oeuf/ egg
Please feel free to practice the vocabulary words with the students at home!
The grade 5/6's will be exploring a new unit in Social Studies: Les Autochtones (the Indigenous Peoples of Canada). They will learn about the religion, culture, role of men and women, community, clothing, lifestyle, and other elements of the Metis, Inuit and First Nations Peoples of Canada.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at school (613-749-1642) or by writing a note in your child’s agenda.
Mme. Roxan
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